
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I See Light!

Life has become much of a routine lately. So it's time for some fun in the sun bebeh! We're ON for the next island getaway wooohooo~

Here's hoping that the weather will be on our side throughout the trip, Insya Allah Amiiinnnnnn...

Now, all I gotta do is be strong enough to go through some shitty days at work (due to a certain 'cakap-besar-tapi-haprak' colleague) before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel hehe. And oh, find a good book to bring along too =)


rozanna- said...

wah, bila and mana pulak this time? bestnya. (ko mmg suka pegi beach kan?)

SRS said...

Alaa pegi dekat2 jek - a small island near Pulau Tioman. Nak gi time long weekend cuti Maulidur Rasul next week.

Yessssss I LOVE BEACHESSSSS! Kalau aku banyak duit, memang aku nak beli satu island and dok kat situ diam2 chewahhhh hahaha!