
Monday, November 1, 2010

The 'L' Word

Dear SRB left for his first trip to Al Basrah, Iraq yesterday and will be staying there till this Sunday. So this is the first time that I'm gonna be completely alone in this new house and in this country. Back then, I thought that I'm gonna freak out whenever SRB has to go there. But now, when it's time for him to actually make the trip to Iraq, I felt a lot calmer than I thought I'd feel.

I remained calm and 'zen' even after hearing the reasons behind the safety measures taken - must wear long-sleeves, 100% cotton shirt when travelling by truck (because non-cotton materials are easily flammable), must fill in entry forms by hand (because if say somehow, Na'uzubillah, all electronic telecommunication mediums were to be cut-off completely and you can only communicate by letters, they will be able to verify your identity via your handwriting), must provide 6 'Proof of Life' questions that only your next-of-kin and close family members know the answer to (because well...I don't even want to say it).

I guess I finally realized that freaking out is not gonna do anyone any good (although if you really sit down and think about it, this is all a bit scary, isn't it?). So all I can do is just redha and pasrah with everything now.

But I'm not gonna lie, it SUCKS to be here alone. I don't know whether this is one of the side effects of watching the fountain show alone tadi or what (somehow fountain shows tend to make me turn jiwang and syahdu inside), but yeah, it sucks big time. I know that it's part of what I signed up for when I agreed to this new "adventure" of ours. So really, there should be no surprise whatsoever here. But no matter how hard you try, I think loneliness is just something that you can never be fully prepared for. You tried to keep yourself busy and entertained all day, but somehow that 'L' thing still managed to quietly creep in and rear its ugly head.

So whenever people ask - How's the new life there? My standard answer would always be - It's fine. There are pros and cons to it. I guess by now, you can figure out one of the cons, huh?

P/S: Went to Dubai Mall earlier today. No Tom Cruise or Suri Cruise sighting to report =p


Lin Ghazale said...

Bertenang beb. Gi cari Tom Cruise..

SRS said...

Give up aah carik Tom Cruise - after baru 1 hari berusaha hahahah!Memang takleh jadi papparazi betul. Tapi if the real papparazis, diorang ade 'inside man' yg bagitau the celebrities' whereabouts. Aku takde pun. Tak aci aaa heheh!

Lin Ghazale said...

Haha baru sehariiii oii. Macamana aku nak tgk gmbr Tom Cruise dr camera manusia biasa nihhh. Esok try lagi. Hari2 cari ekekek