
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'One Day' The Movie

Exciting news!!!

The latest book I LOVE, 'One Day' by David Nicholls will be turned into a movie woohoo! The script is written by David Nicholls himself so I'm sure the movie is gonna be as brilliant as the book, uuuu exciteddd!

The beautiful Anne Hathaway will play Emma Morley, quite acceptable lah coz Emma is supposed to be pale and pretty. But to be honest, I prefer a British actress coz some people just can't pull off the English accent mannn! (Cik Fatma, how do you feel about Anne Hathaway playing you in the movie? Ngeehehehe!)

But the most important question is, who will be cast as THE gorgeous Dexter Mayhew? Fatma and I started throwing names this morning, "Clive Owen - too old." "Colin Firth - love his accent but too old." "Sam Worthington - bad ass but we need more of the pretty-boy look." "Jonathan Rhys-Meyers - hmm...not bad." "Hayden Christensen - hmm...not British." "Christiano Ronaldo - HOT, if only he can speak proper English hahah!" but no one seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

So I made it a mission to find the right actor who I think can best bring Dexter Mayhew to life by end of today (this involved typing 'Hottest British Young Actors', 'Hunkiest British Actors', 'Gorgeous British Actors' in Google, isn't life a joy? Hehehe), until I discovered that they have already found him!!!

Jim Sturgess, from 21 and Across The Universe, has been tapped to play Dexter in the film adaptation of 'One Day'. Whaattt?!!! Saya. Tidak. Puas. Hati. I thought he was comot-cute, not gorgeous-cute. But I tried to make peace with this decision so I googled for more pics to convince myself that he has that 'hotness' potential and the results:

Uhmm okay, not bad =p


Anonymous said...

that picture of him sitting on the couch with the black tie?! EXACTLY what I pictured Dexter to look like. He's perfect!

SRS said...

YESSS exactly what I thought!!! =)