This year, alhamdulillah puasa so far is okay. Although, out of habit, I almost termakan mentos on the way to work yesterday. Luckily SRB stopped me. I was even thinking to offer him the mentos lagi tu actually haha!
This year, our first sahur was in USJ and our first berbuka was in Seremban. Mom packed lots and lots of food as bekalan sahur/buka for days to come, and MIL also gave more and more food. Heavennnnn! I didn't need to cook anything pun for sahur & buka yesterday. Semua re-heat sajaaaa hehehe. But today, made Ayam Merah Madu specially for SRB chewaahhh. Sungguh enak sekaliiiii nyuummmmm!

This year, I feel like time flies really fast at work so tak sempat to rase penat or sleepy, alhamdulillah. But in terms of kesabaran or kemarahan or %$#@^&*#, hohohoho...memang agak tercabar jugaklah with people at work punye 'peel'. Semoga Tuhan memberi daku more and more patience this Ramadhan aaamiiinnnn.
This year, we berazam to berjimat (yelah...unlike some people, we didn't get a 6-month bonus maaa) by having as much home-cooked meals for berbuka as we can. Unless, vendor belanja buffet lah of courseee hehe. And unless, we got a craving for a certain impossible-for-rina-to-buat-sendiri kind of food lah ahaha! far, we berjaya! We'll see how it goes.
This year, I actually plan to go to sleep by 10pm everyday, kononnye laaa. If not, waking up to prepare sahur the next morning will be a big challenge woooo - I must express here that I am definitely NOT a morning person hehe.'s already 11:20pm. Gotta go to sleep now. Nawaitu sauma ghadin....
rina the ayam looks yummy! 6-months?demmit is it true??!
Yes, it's true. They got same as last year. Aku dah habis depressed dah aritu =(
I told myself that jealousy is perangai syaitan. I jealous coz I wanna have lots of bonus money to buy many2 things. But that is greed - which is also perangai syaitan. So I learn to be grateful with whatever I have...
But still sucks *sigh*
i have a brother a sister and one sis in law who wouldnt wanna reveal the durian runtuh..bocor juga akhirnya haha nway selamat berpuasa babe :)
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