
Friday, September 26, 2008

Farewell No. 2

*Sigh* a lot of goodbyes plak this month. This time, a colleague of mine who's leaving for a better opportunity out there. We've grown so close to each other since the project execution started even though some of us just joined the company for few months only. These are among the few people I socialize with nowadays, besides my family. Since I have to work on weekends now, I rarely had time to meet my high-school friends, college friends, etc. Nantilah, maybe we'll keep in touch again mase raye ke...

We had dinner/buka puasa at The Apartment, KLCC yesterday for our last chance to lepaksss as colleagues. Main topics of conversation - our "beloved" madam (who walked by the restaurant while we're talking about her shaitss! Nasib baik she was too engrossed with her phone call that she didn't notice us. If not, "Hah why you all didn't invite me for WP's farewell?!!" Blooodeyyyy who's gonna give the OBVIOUS answer to that hahaha!) and ghost stories in BDC hahaha! Memang tak habis aa satu malam if nak citer semua. Good times peeps, good times =)

Now tinggal us 3 girls only under The Crazy Lady. Oh tidaaakkkkk!

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