
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Pak Long passed away last Sunday due to heart failure isk. For those who came to my engagement and nikah ceremonies, you'd know him as the spokeperson for SRB's family. With his beautiful speeches - penuh dgn pepatah & peribahasa Melayu, we'll always always be grateful to him for making those events among the most memorable moments in our lives.

Went back to JB on Sunday night and Alhamdulillah...jenazah selamat dikebumikan on Monday after Zuhur. SRB even got his first experience riding in van jenazah to JB hehe. Reached KL around 11-ish PM Monday and both of us were too tired to get up for work the next morning that we sleepily decided to take half-day leave hehe.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Pak Long dan menempatkannya di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Al-Fatihah...

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