
Saturday, June 20, 2009


I am feeling terribly GUILTY right now.

I've been using SRB's Palm phone for a while now and guess what, I just realized that I've LOST it huwaarrgghhhh!!!! Went shopping at Subang Parade earlier today and tak terfikir to check my phone until this evening, on my way out to go for a jog.

Checked my handbag inside out, shitsss takde! Uh-oh Panic Level 2. Tried the car, all over the house, shaitssss still takde! Panic Level jumped to 5. Then I made the dreaded phone call to my own number and sure enough, the evil "the number you're calling is out of coverage" message came on. Panic Level 10 aaaa!!!

So jogging ntah ke mana, nak siram pokok pun dah takde mood, rumah dah bersepah tunggang terbalik, made a call to Maxis to block my sim card and here I am now, feeling like #$%^*!

I am so very sorry dear.
I seriously didn't mean to lose it =(

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