
Monday, March 2, 2009


I AM SO EXCITED!!! Received the package for my camera's underwater casing last Saturday - the first stuff ever I bought online in Malaysia, tested it out and voilĂ !

Noticed the little bubble there? Since we don't have a swimming pool, aku test dalam besen ajelah hahaha! Thanks a lot K.Nad for the recommendation! Memang dah test and confirm tak masok air huhuhu~

I don't know why I didn't buy this waaay earlier. All those photographic memories of previous snorkeling trips...arrgghh! Now I reallyyyyy can't wait for the upcoming island getaway. If hujan ke ape (hopefully NOT, amiinnn), I'll go ambik gambar ikan dalam kolam mane2 tak pedulik hahaha!

And to Pojie, eventhough camera K.Ina taklah secanggih camera Pojie, at least akak punye boleh amek gambar bawah air beb muahahaha! ;p


shahril fauzi said...

wah,boleh amek gamba dalam air? nampaknye kene pegi tioman lagi lah,amek gamba ikan nemo and coral2 yg cantik2 hehe

SRS said...

Yesss!Weekend ni K.Ina nak gi. Tak sabarrrr!