
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Aidil Adha

Spent the beginning of our weekend packing and cleaning the apt. Penat giler, I hate moving argh. Our place Iooks a bit empty and sort of 'clear' now and I LOVE it! Minimalism is the way to go man! Why didn't we think of it while living here all these while babe? Sheesshh rugi betul...

The rest of the long weekend was spent eating, sleeping, watching 'How I Met Your Mother' marathon and eating some more. Heaven gile dude!

Had a BBQ party with the family on the eve of Aidil Adha. As usual, ikan bakar with kuah asam was among the favourite menu - sampai hari ni tangan aku still bau belacan haha! Entertained ourselves by comparing creative ringing tones with the cousins, some of them are seriously hilarious tak tipu. Manelaa budak2 ni dapat, resourceful betul. And also watching a cousin did some 'shuffle dance' kehkehkeh! Do you know that the dance is kinda famous among kids and teenagers nowadays? My standard-five cousin immediately requested me to post his 'shuffle' video to youtube as soon as I finished recording it. Tak sabar nak tunjuk kawan2 lah tu. Ish ish ish budak2 zaman sekarang hehe. Ni yang aku terasa tua ni muahaha!

Come Aidil Adha, we makan lagi
with pot luck food brought over by the aunties and uncles. An uncle from Johor cooked beriyani kambing yg sangat sedap sampai my mom awal2 dah booked him for little Khayra's aqiqah in January haha.

So now you understand how I become a fat ass huh? At this rate, who wouldn't? Hehe.

Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone~


rozanna- said...

don't worry, you're not the only one yang makan banyak during raya :)

anyway, best tak cite how i met your mother tu ek? orang kata kelakar eh.. hari tu nak terbeli dah dvd tu but takut tak best

SRS said...

Omg you HAVE to watch How I Met Your Mother! Sangat kelakar especially the Neil Patrick Harris character - super lame but hilarious.

But now dah masok Season 4 and adik aku ckp, memang tak meet2 lagi the mother hahaha!

awesome blossom said...

shuffle dance...? what is that?
hahaha, i feel so old!