
Saturday, February 25, 2012


Dear SRB and I are now on a mission to cross out as many items as we can on Time Out's '101 Things To Do In Dubai' before we leave this place for good. When we couldn't find anything interesting to do on weekends (mostly because too lazy to do research hehe), we always end up going to the malls, which lama2 rasa cam nak muntah lah jugak kan. So by doing things suggested in this list, at least it can add variety to our weekend activities (though we're still gonna go the mall at the end of the day to find something to eat - saya usually cuti memasak di hujung minggu hehe).

However, activities that require us to jump out of a moving plane (Item 32 - Skydive) or be in close proximity to one of nature's fiercest predators (Item 25 - Dive with sand tiger sharks) will be considered as 'crazy shits' and shall be quickly marked as 'Inapplicable/Are you freaking kidding me?!' in our list hehe. So for us, it's actually 'Less Than 101 Things To Do In Dubai' laa kiranye, but who cares, it's still an interesting list.

So this weekend, we went to watch The Dolphin & Seal Show at Dubai Dolphinarium.

It's quite an amazing show. I was mesmerized and terrified at the same time coz they're soo cute but also soo big - I kept imagining that they gonna jumped out of the pool and fell on me ngaaa! Dear SRB plak kept on saying that they are robots and not the real dolphins coz they are unbelievably intelligent, bordering on creepy. Yeah babe, if you can show me their on/off button and the remote controls, then maybe yeah, they are actually robots and not the real dolphins =p

So no need to drive out to Musandam, Oman for 3 hours (and pay additional 200 dirhams for Oman's visa on top of the Dolphin Tour package) to see dolphins in action. Can see them right here at Dubai Creek Park's Dolphinarium. Of course it's not the same as seeing them in their natural habitat but if you're looking for time & cost-saving option, here it is - only 50 dirhams for adults and 30 for kids if you go and see the Friday's and Monday's 11 AM show. For other timings, it will cost 100 dirhams for adults, and 50 for kids.

Uuuu tak sabar nak bawak Khayra tengok these dolphins nanti yeay!

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