
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Red Rose City of Petra

Are we there yet? ...NO.
*Walking with a spring in our steps, sambil bergelak ketawa penuh excited*

Are we there yet? ...NO.
*Less talking, walking at a slower pace, ketiak dah start berpeluh*

Are we there yet? ...NO.

*No talking at all, tercungap-cungap, adoiii mengah dah niii!*

Are we there yet? ...Still NO.
*Arrkkk...lutut dah nak tercabut, mata dah start berpinar-pinar*

Are we there yet? ...YESSS, FINALLY!!!

*Melonjak kegembiraan wooohooo*

This, my friends, is the spectacular Monastery - the most legendary monument of Petra (also known as the Red Rose City for the rose-colored mountain walls in which Petra is carved). It was originally built as a Nabataean tomb for their king and was later used as a church during Byzantine times and as the backdrop of a number of movies during recent times.

Looking at this majestic facade from the opposite cave-turned-drinks-stall, I was reminded again of that saying by Karl Pilkington in 'An Idiot Abroad'; "It's much better to look out of a hole at a palace, than live in a palace overlooking a hole." This time, yesss...literally true indeed!

It was a truly magnificent sight! I was spellbound, I could not take my eyes off it even for a second the whole time I was there. And then someone had to ruin the moment by saying how awesome it was to come to the place where Transformers pernah lawan2 and how this place was probably built by those highly-advanced robots as well. Urrksss dearrrr...please laaahhh! Bikin spoil laa orang tengah nak menghayati sejarah ni! =p

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