Winter = the best time to travel to Dubai = time for families to come visit = time for me to put my 'efficient tour guide' and 'great hostess' cap on (and gelabah fikir how to add variety to my cooking in order to provide guests with breakfast, lunch, minum petang and dinner for 7-9 days ngaaaa~)
December 2011: Father-in-law + 2 cousins were here.
January 2012: Mom + dad + 2 aunties will be coming to town.
February 2012: Taking a break from my tour guide duties. Time for us to be the tourists pulak hehe. Where to? Tungguuuu...
March 2012: Kakne + 2 brothers + sis-in-law + little niece will be here huyeahhh! Tak sabar nak tunggu si budak kecik yg celoteh tu datang Dubai huhu!