For the past few months, I've been diligently following the trial of Casey Anthony, who has recently been acquitted in the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. The trial has been filled with tears, lies, twists and shocking revelations that it's been said to be America's summer obsession this year. It's wayyy scandalous than reality TV shows that even reality TV stars like the Kardashians were hooked to it hehe.
Many people were 'sick to their stomachs' by the 'Not Guilty' verdict - some blamed the prosecution team for failing to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt, while some blamed the jurors/system for letting people in the country get away with murder. If Casey were found guilty, she would have faced the toughest sentence in American Law: death by lethal injection - perghhhh tu memang lagi drama beb! Suddenly teringat plak the horrifying electric chair scene in The Green Mile movie huhu.
So, do I believe she's guilty? Well, as a Google-based trial watcher, my answer would be a big fat gigantic YESSSS! I definitely think, without a doubt, that she did it. Whether it was accidental or pre-meditated, we will never know, but the bottom line is, she killed her daughter. If she didn't do it, why wait for 31 days before reporting Caylee missing? If she has nothing to hide, what's up with all these elaborate lies about the non-existence nanny, the rich boyfriend in New York and the job at Universal Studio? Psycho-ness okayyy. I agree 200% with the prosecutor, no one else benefited from Caylee's death except Casey, the party-loving mother. And now that she's been found not guilty, she'll be free to live the partying, fun-filled life that she always wanted. Argghhh marah lah niii!
However, in America, everyone is supposedly innocent until proven guilty. And unfortunately, in this case, the evidence presented in court was just not enough to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that Casey killed her daughter. There were just too many questions left unanswered, especially the most important one - how did Caylee die? There were no witnesses, no cause of death (it couldn't be determined coz the body was too badly decomposed when found), no DNA or fingerprints of Casey found anywhere near Caylee's dead body, so couldn't 100% link her to the child's death booo! Maybe if the body was found earlier, they could get some traces of DNA, but oh well, I think it's lucky that it's been found at all.
So based on that, I think the jurors did the right thing with the 'Not Guilty' verdict - it doesn't necessarily means that they think she's innocent, it's just that there's not enough proof to convict her. Dahlah nak kasi death penalty, lagilah kena ada hard evidence to support the charges kan. I am truly disappointed with the verdict of course, but I realized that it's a fair decision, made based on everything presented in court rather than personal feelings or emotions. If ikut perasaan, pehhh kalau boleh the next day kasi teros inject sampai mati kot huhu!
Some experts say that the popular TV show CSI may have influenced how jurors think in recent years, "giving them a false impression that every case has the same clear-cut forensic evidence featured in that fictional series. Jurors have now gotten less likely to convict because they are under the false impression that every case is going to have some sort of forensic smoking gun."
Hahah funny but I think very true at some point. In CSI, selalu macam ada je dia jumpe setitik darah or serpihan tulang whatsoever among percikan minyak or serpihan batu or kaca and I have always wondered - is it that easy to detect in real life? Tipuuuuu~
P/S: I just read this from People.com - Apparently, in a letter she wrote to an inmate while in jail awaiting trial, she said she dreamed of having another baby once she's out, she wanted to get pregnant again or adopt. What the BLOODY FFFF???!! Who in their right mind would let her near a child after this? She's crazy and delusional!!!
uih.kang dia bunuh lagi. acquitted lagi.
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