** Spoiler alert for those of you who haven't seen Paranormal Activity and plan to watch it someday (I'd very much advise against it though) **

First and foremost, let me tell you that I am NOT a horror movie fan, not ever. But I heard about Paranormal Activity being the scariest, most haunting horror film ever made in recent years that some viewers even walked out in the middle of screening because it scared the hell out of them and they just couldn't continue watching. Definitely not the kind of movie for a penakut like me laa kan.
But this movie has been on repeat for a few months on our cable channels that I became increasingly curious - "Apa yang takot sangat pasal movie ni? Rupa hantu dia ke? Or tak nampak pun hantu dia?" As far as I know, hantu Indon ialah hantu yang paling menakutkan sekali di dunia, so I don't think an American ghost could be THAT scary.
So I made a "brilliant" decision one night to watch Paranormal Activity from the beginning till the end, but not before reading the detailed plot from Wiki so I could anticipate the 'sakit jantung' moments hehe. Yeah I know, memang kinda ruin the feel, but that's the only way I'd be able to make it through a scary movie, so sukati aa kan.
It turned out, BLARDYHELL citer ni memang takot nak mamposss!!! They say, curiosity killed the cat. Well, I say curiosity gave me nightmares huwaaarrgghhh!!! There was no gory, scary-looking ghost or anything like that in the movie, just some shadows lurking here and there je. But the things done by the possessed Katie tu yang extremely disturbing and haunting, especially when she stood by the bed, doing nothing except staring at his sleeping boyfriend in the middle of the night, for several hours - OMG horror! I slept with the lights and iPod on coz I kept imagining someone standing by the bed watching me sleep urrkksss!
And to make it worse, I watched the movie a night before dear SRB left for Iraq, leaving me all alone at home - memang sangat "bijak" kan? Yup, ternyata saya sangatlah "bijak". Luckily he's making just a short 3-day/2-night trip this time so he'll be home tonight, thank God.
But now I am really curious about Paranormal Activity 2 pulak. So how? Hihihihi =p
Eh no 1 seram? ke no 2? Aku ada nombor 2 je, dan aku masih tak berani nak tengok sorg2
hahaha.. yesss cerita ni mmg takut gila.. aku tgk kat cinema lagi!!!! org kata the second one lagi takut..
Dude, DO NOT under any circumstances tengok Paranormal Activity 1 ke 2 ke, sorang2 beb. Memang seram gilaaa!
Aku belum tengok lagi yg 2 punya, tapi based on synopsis yang aku baca, memang macam lagi banyak kejadian aneh yg menakotkan in the 2nd movie.
Aku masih nak recover from the 1st one. So 2nd tu maybe nak tengok masa bulan puasa ke, sebab bulan puasa setan kena ikat hehe.
aku dah tengok beb! sorang2. terpaksa. Wandy tido. chies!!!
1. aku sakit hati dgn si Micah tu. rasa nak penampo je. konon2 in control. chit!
2. plg ngeri yg dia kene tarik!
3. part last kelar leher sangat meloyakan tekak.
Aku nak tengok Part 2 plak.
Btw, ni bukan cerita benar kan?
Omigod Lin, kau ada movie with the original ending - yg Katie tu kelar leher dia. After movie tu was bought by Paramount, they changed the ending. Version ending yang aku tengok is lepas Katie bunuh Micah, dia stare at the video camera and then muka tukar jadi evil. Then keluar text ckp Micah's body was found by the police the next day and Katie is still not found until today huhu!
Aku rase memang Paramount takkan buat ending Katie tu mati sebab dia nak buat banyak2 sequel for this movie. This year akan keluar Paranormal 3 plak.
Selamat berjaya tengok yg 2 punya. Nnt bgtau aku 2 lagi seram ke tak. Ni bukan based on citer benar, rekaan semata-mata hehe.
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