...our new car!

Hahahaha I WISHHH! Truth is, we are still using the rented Honda City to get around and it's been nearly 4 months now. I know, I know - why the heck lama sangat nak carik keta untuk dibeli? Sampai bila asyik nak extend the car rental? You have pretty much decided on the make and model, so ape tunggu lagi?
Well my friends, it turned out, it's not that easy to find a decent pre-owned car (coz it sounds sooo much better than 'used cars' hehe) with a decent price. After countless trips to various car dealers and auto malls, we still haven't found 'the one'. (After our last visit to an open-air auto mall, when it was about 41-degree Celsius outside, demam jugak laa the next day).
Somehow, we always manage to find some kind of flaws, be it dents or scratches or even unflattering odor, on all of the pre-owned cars we've looked at so far, and they eventually became the 'turn-off' factor. Tapi nak beli the brand new, totally flawless one, tak mampu plak *sigh*. So camano? Bak kata Nabil Maharaja Lawak - adoyaiiii...
Apparently, it's been proven by experts that 'psychologically, most people often have a mindset of finding flaws while reviewing used cars for sale. Their mind will sharply focus on the flaws that are actually not there or could be neglected.' Hahaha very true indeed =p.
I dunno, I guess to purchase a second hand car, we need to really learn to let go of certain superficial flaws, to turn a blind eye to the minor and not-so-obvious defects - just like we do in relationships and marriages hehe.
mmg susah nak mencari kete idaman. dah tu nak kete idaman, harga mesti murah. akakakaka.
bila nak dpt tah?
rental price ok ke sana?
Tulah, maybe kitorang yang banyak songeh gak kot tapi yelah, before nak spend byk duit nak beli keta mestilah kena bagi betul2 sedap hati dulu kan.
Monthly car rental utk sedan cars macam Honda City is around RM1500-RM1800 camtu lah lebih kurang. Taklah murah sgt pun tapi a better option than naik cab to go everywhere coz aku mmg tak tahan dgn taxi drivers kat sini yg drive mcm org gila sampai buat aku rase car sick gile babs.
lebih kurang mcm bayar monthly kat mesia la eh. tapi mmg bagus ade kete pn dari naik cabs.lecehhh.
kitorag pon cari kereta.taktau lah bila dapat tapinya..skrg naik train, naik kaki. letihhhh. tp since takde choice, takkan nak duduk rumah je? ekekeke
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