A laugh-out-loud book that cannot be read at public places unless you don't mind people staring at you like you're crazy. I got stomach cramps trying to suppress a full-on laughing fit while reading it at the Kinokuniya cafe, alone.
Among all of the unbelievably "creative" answers, these 2 are definitely my favorites:
Memang tak boleh tahan beb, sampai sekarang gelak guling-guling hahah!
Hahaha. Very funny!!
Jenis2 soalan yang untuk kita boleh jawab, "Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui." Hehe.
Will check this book out =)
Nak lah buku niii..
muahaha aku dah jumpa buku ni kat amazon.jp.
Memang kelakar giler!
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