Jerash (north of Amman) or known in Greco-Roman times as Gerasa was founded by the Greeks during the time of Alexander the Great. It was one of the ten Roman commercial cities that became collectively known as Decapolis.

The best part here for me was the Roman Army and Chariot Experience - kelakar tengok Pak2 Arab berlakon jadi askar Roman and gladiators ahah! But gotta applaud lah their efforts in re-creating the Roman scene coz with the soundtrack semua, it kinda DID make me feel macam dalam movie 'Gladiator' hehe.

Dear SRB said, since we already saw all these Roman stuff here in Jordan, then tak payah dahlah pegi Rome or anywhere in Italy coz they basically have the same things there. Alaaaaaaa..... (Bimbo much, Rina? =p)

I was thinking, kat Jordan re-create scenes from 'Gladiator', kat Italy kena re-create scenes from 'The Tourist' plak wakakaka! Berangan je lebih =p
Rina, tudung cantik!
Happy birthday Rina!
Thehehe thanksss!
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