Saw this in the 'Outsourced' sitcom the other day and I sooo want it!!! It'll be cool and at the same time hilarious to drink out of this toilet bowl mug hahah! A bit disgusting maybe, especially if you're drinking brown-colored liquid, but definitely HILARIOUSSS!!!

And check out this Halloween costume worn by one of the characters in the series - can you guess it? A magnet and some chickens attached to it - chick magnet! LOL lawak gilerrrr!
Too bad NBC is cancelling the show after only one season, alaaa. I was really looking forward to see what other ridiculous novelty items they gonna come up with tapi now dah kena cancel plak cisss~
hoi kelakar gila chick magnet tuuuuu. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Hahaha tu aahh lawak gila kan?
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