
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is It Such A Bad Thing?

Larry: Ever make one of those lists, George? One of those bucket list? A list of all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket?

Can't say I did.

Me neither. The reason I never made one is that all the stuff I wanted was right in front of me. You know, the ordinary stuff. To grow old with my wife...

No skydiving? No climbing Mount Everest? You call that a bucket list?

Larry: Enough for me.

Currently, at this very moment, I'm feeling content with the life I have, personal life that is. Work-wise, well...we always have things to complain about work, it's never-ending. So I'm gonna ignore that part of my life for a bit =p

I'm grateful that I can just walk into my parents' house anytime and straight away sit down at the dining table and always find food to eat hehe. I'm content with having little Khayra to play and guling2 with once in a while. I'm happy that I can throw last-minute family/relatives get-together whenever there are things to celebrate, since most of them live nearby.

I'm happy that I can still have the girls over and have a little slumber party at our lovely home. And be able to have woman-to-woman talk about life and relationships and gorgeous guys (in TV or in real life hehe).

I'm content with having SRB to share everything with. Happy that we can just sms each other and spontaneously decide, hey let's watch a midnight movie tonight? Or hey, let's have dinner at Chili's tonight? Or hey, let's mandi air terjun this weekend? Glad that we can have animated conversations/arguments in the car, driving home from work. And then blissfully sit back & relax for some quiet reading time and peacefully enjoy each other's company in comfortable silence.

Hmmm...I dunno, but right now I am selfishly happy with a family of two. Is that such a bad thing?


young team said...

Yes! It is a bad thing. Because as much as we love Khayra, we still want to see little SRS and SRB tooo!!!! Yaaaayyyyyy.

But, the important think is, we are all happy that you are happy. Hehehe.

young team said...


SRS said...

Nak tengok little SRS+SRB, mari kita tungguuuuuu hehehehe~