
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another Birthday Get-Together's September already. Oh shoots, time flies so fast man! (Notice that I say this at the beginning of every month haha. Well, what to do. I honestly didn't realize how time passed by so quickly *sigh*).

So anyway, the remaining of August was spent with quite a few makan2 session. This is the danger of living close to your family and relatives. We tend to create all kind of reasons to hold sesi makan2, so forget about any slight bit of chance of losing weight lah ye hehehe. Oh who the end of the day, I'd rather be plump+happy with my family rather than skinny+depre

25th August was Abang's 29th birthday. After a few SMSes, voila~ I successfully gathered everyone for another birthday get-together. And again, I made Secret Recipe a few bucks richer when I bought yet another one of their insanely delicious Choc Indulgence cakes.'s not ur bday laa cayang. It's ur Papa's =p


young team said...

uuuuuuu byk nya makanan! Tapi apsal satay tu tinggal sikit je? hahahha

SRS said...

Mestilah sebab sudah habis dimakan monyet muahahaha!