*** Friends-sick mode ***
I wish I'm hosting a Royal Wedding Viewing Party today so you girls can come over, and we can all laugh at those crazy hats the wedding guests are wearing, fall for the dashing prince/groom, gush over the bride's wedding dress, all the while telling ourselves, "It should've been me!" hehe.

I miss you peeps!
OMG!! I thought the same thing too!!! Aku dok pikir, kalau ada rina/fatma ini mesti buat potluck sambil layan will&kate. konon2 nursing the broken heart sbb will kahwin (kan fatma kan?)
rindu korang jugak ;(
EXACTLY!!! Tapi apakan daya...kita semua berjauhan huhu! And it was really a GORGEOUS wedding.
awww schuckssss... hehehehe. aku tak tgk pun.. repeat pun tak..
we miss you tooooo!!!
kita boleh buat party sambil pakai hat giler2 macam semua org yg dtg wedding tu.. hahaha
topi aku bentuk guitar choppp!!!
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