This morning the shipment company came to pack our things into padded boxes and bring the boxes over to their warehouse before flying them to Dubai. The movers/packers they sent were very efficient in optimizing space that I was curious whether this was a skill they learned from a special course or it's just a natural talent.

In less than an hour, they managed to pack everything into 10 boxes, with a total weight of 106kg. Watching them drove away with our stuff made me feel a bit syahdu coz I kept on thinking, Mannn...that's all I'm gonna have there later to remind me of home isk isk isk!
Also today, I could finally cross out the last task in my To-Do list when Maxis efficiently cut-off my phone line like 30 seconds after I made the last payment. Ooo if nak cut line cepat je kan, if nak activate line bukan main kena tunggu 24 hours cisss! In the meantime, I'm back to using prepaid seperti di zaman 'saya budak hingusan' dulu2. I terasa mcm muda remaja kembali plak hehe, tapi nak check balance prepaid pun dah lupa nak kena tekan ape.
This is gonna sound a bit ridiculous but I felt a weird sense of loss after my Maxis line has been terminated. Somehow it felt like I not only lost my phone line, but also my connection or some kind of bond that I imagined I had with my home country, with the life I've built here and with the people I've known here. Like I have permanently disconnected myself from an old life in order to move on to an unknown, blurry future. Which is a bit scary and agak drama queen, but wait till you have to leave everything and move to a new country, then you'll understand what I mean.
Maybe I'm just a little overwhelmed coz now that everything's done, it just seems all too real. There's no more living in denial. My life is gonna change and it's gonna change for good.
good luck Rina. keep in touch ya.
baca blog ko dlm sehari mcm tgk tv-show marathon.
and this one's like a season finale.
can't wait for season 2.
haha have fun in dubai
Aaawwwwww Tet...thanksss a lot. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about my blog. Daku terharuuuuu isk isk isk!
Anyway, Insya Allah will continue to write about my it happens =)
dude patutla hantar message tak reply. i want to see u before u leave again!!!!!
Alamak Beddy, cam tak sempat je. I'm leaving tonight babe. I'll sms you my temporary number.
Anyway, you take care yah! It's easier to keep in touch now that I have FB hehe. And you are very much welcome at my Dubai home any time okay?
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