
Monday, April 19, 2010

Dear Everybody

Dear Sara,
Since we are really divorced now, I think that we should split up our memories too. I want the time when we met and the time when we went to the Grand Canyon. You can have our first date and the day we got married. You can also have the day when you left me, which I have no use for. I want when we moved in together and when we bought our house, and I want all of the times that we sat on the couch and watched television together. You can have the times we ate breakfast together, but I want most of the dinners. There are a lot more. Maybe we should talk about them.
- From one of Jonathan Bender's unsent letters to his ex-wife

To Sara Olson, my ex-wife, I leave any other money remaining in my bank accounts after the rest of my wishes are fulfilled, and do so with the hope that it can purchase some kind of happiness for her. I further leave to Sara any love that I may have had left inside of me when I died, as well as many of the things that we did not do together, the places that we did not go together, and the things that I did not say to her even though I thought them inside my head.
- From the Last Will and Testament of Jonathan Bender

The next great book about suicide that I can actually 'hafal' most of the paragraphs, after Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down. It's sad, heartbreaking but soo beautiful at the same time.


rozanna- said...

sounds like a book i would like.
nick hornby's a long way down sangat best kan? it's amazing that mr. hornby can make a topic about suicide an interesting and funny one.

SRS said...

Sangat!!! And you'd LOVE Dear Everybody too! But don't read it if you're in a very happy & cheerful mood. Some parts can be such a downer hehe. But if you're feeling a bit blue, this book should be in your to-be-read list.

rozanna- said...

ye ke. i guess it's ok cos i always feel down during weekdays huhuhuuuu

K said...

Rina, one day i have to go through your library and see what books i can borrow.. if u let me borrow la hahahaha. buku mahal im trying to cut down on books expenses this year.. last year aku spend almost rm1K.. nasib baik boleh claim tax return ok!!

SRS said...

"Library" aku??? Hahaha tu mcm ambitious sgt tu. Takdelah banyak sgt pun buku yg aku ada. But you can pinjam anything, of course! Yesss nasib baik buku boleh claim tax. Mari membacaaa...budaya kitaaa (mcm iklan toye dalam TV) hahaha!