
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Of Movies and TV

Did not understand a single shit out of this movie.
Why Ewan McGregor, whyyyy?

Truly, truly inspiring.
When Julie's husband said something about her blog
turning her into a self-centered bitch - ouchhh!

Another truly inspiring couple - well, to me at least.
I know it's kinda lame that they went into this whole reality TV business,
but they are such a cool, selamba and loving couple - it's just too cute!

Oh oh oh the adorable Mr. Shuuuuee...
Ok I admit he looks a bit cacat here, but ohhh my adorable Mr. Shuuuee...
Am officially a Gleek now~


awesome blossom said...

glee = a feel good series. hopefully it does not turn into 'ugly betty' and turns boring by midway of second season.. huhuhu. x sabar nak tunggu new episode start balik kat u.s. aku dah tertengok online, so sekarang kena layan je la repeat kat tv.

SRS said...

Kau tak rase ke Mr. Shue tu mcm Justin Timberlake? He's the only reason I'm watching Glee...sgt sukeeeee! =D

rozanna- said...

bill rancic's too cute huhuuu

SRS said...

Oh sgtttt! Dia still mcm Bill from The Apprentice dulu2. Cool and comelll~