
Monday, August 10, 2009

Work is a Bi*tch

After one year of working on my current project, I am finally starting to REALLY hate working on sleepless weekends, and I really mean sleep-less okkk. I just couldn't stand it anymore! I am tired of feeling tired and I am tired of having throbbing headaches due to lack of zzzz. And nowadays, we don't even get to take time-off on Mondays (or ever!) coz there will always be unresolved, urgent issues that require follow-up on the next working day. So the headache stays on till the end of the week coz you don't get the chance to rest properly and qada' tido. And then without you realizing it, bam! the week ends and you have to do it all over again arrghhhh!!!

And no offense, but please spare me the mothers-of-newborn-babies-do-this-all-the-time speech okay? I mean, on the losing sleep bit lah. At least they are doing it for people they love and get rewarded with priceless little gifts like, I dunno, the babies' sweet smiles or their first laughs, first words or something like that - you get the drill.

But what about us - the corporate slaves? Do we really get rewarded with say, extra extra allowance or HUGE bonuses or free vacations? Heck NO!

We're asked to spend sooo much time working that all we get in return are deteriorating health and ever-decreasing social circle! Okay fine, Facebook helps a little in the social-networking part, but you know what, virtual friends don't really count haha!

And when you request for some time-out so you can go somewhere remote, enjoy the nature and be sane again, suddenly they start asking you to submit work that's not really due till 3-4 months from now. WTF?! As I said, work is such a bi*tch!

So if I tell you that I want to take a couple of days off to chillax, quietly read books by the beach or the pool at the free hotel which my husband is staying for his work thingy, you better be sure to back off and not guilt me into doing any more work or I am REALLY gonna lose it!

Do I sound emotional? PMS maybe? NOPE. Women are allowed to be angry you know, without people blaming it on hormones.

P/S: Dear, don't forget to wait for me at the airport kay? I am a bit nervous of flying on a relatively small commercial plane, alone hehe =p


rozanna- said...

and i can't agree with you more........

SRS said...

Yeaaaa mari kita rebellll muahahahaha (gelak gaya dracula hehe)