Today ialah hari malas bekerja hahaha selamba. So let's recap what's been happening (sorry boss, am misusing the internet again =p).
Had a group lunch at Restoran Seri Melayu last Wednesday, sponsored by a vendor. The emo ex-boss was there too and she freaked us all out by being overly nice and friendly. Siap peluk2 bahu tuu...I was like literally frozen haha! She went from one table to another, congratulating everybody on the good work done and at the same time puji2 diri sendiri jugaklah of course hehe. During her visit to our table, she somehow mentioned that she thought I'm a 'no-nonsense, no-bullshit' kinda person. Am I now? Hahahah! Well, depending on situations kot. I watch AF sometimes. So that alone proves her wrong kehkehkeh!

How "attractive" huh? A colleague took pride of snapping a
pic of me at the WORST timing & angle. Ciss nanti kauu! =p
Later that evening, had a great but pancitss futsal session with the girls followed by mamak session at Suzy's Corner. Yup Kirah, memang dah lama kite tak lepak.pic of me at the WORST timing & angle. Ciss nanti kauu! =p

I'm still feeling the muscle soreness (chewahhh) till today. Nampak sangatlah dah lama tak main hehe. Or perhaps lack of proper warming down exercise? Hahaha yelaa tu~
madam k was overly nice and friendly? jarang dapat tengok tu ... hmmm pelik ... hehe
Ohh sangattt!! That's why we all macam freak out giler beb. Dia makin mellow jugaklah since she's out of the dept hehe.
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