Perth for me is a very laid-back, not-too-busy city which is dead by 7PM. Seriously, we walked around the city after dinner by the river and jalan memang lengang takde org and kereta langsung. Most shops of course dah tutup by 5PM except for some souvenirs shops run by Asian people. Didn't know Australians are soo family-oriented that right after work, they all go back to their loved ones at home. Either that, or they're all busy socializing in bars and clubs on some dark alleys somewhere haha. But it was nice just walking around, holding hands, enjoying the city's peacefulness =)
While SRB went to his Oil & Gas convention, I did spent some time sight-seeing sikit during daytime. Nothing much...just took free bus rides around the city to see the suburbs (very modern & contemporary apt designs they have there), the business district, the shopping malls, the city skyline, etc. Walked around a bit to take some pictures, but it was too hot mcm Mesia gak so after getting some great shots, I went back to the comfort of the air-conditioned bus hehe.
After SRB's presentation, we had a little more time before our flight to Melbourne so went to Aquarium of Western Australia (AQWA) for some 'fishy' experience hehe. It's kinda similar to our Aquaria, but they have so much more weird/unique-looking sea creatures that can only be found in Australian coast and the sharks there were wayyyy bigger than we have in Mesia. Seriau aku tgk eeee.
On Wednesday night, off we flew to Melbourne oh yeahhhh~

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