The road trip began earlier than planned due to the news we got on Thursday evening. Our grandmother (dad's mom) has passed away that evening of old age. She was 85 (officially ikut IC. Tapi org dulu2 umur kat IC mcm bukan umur sebenar. So she might be older than that). Semoga roh Nya'i dicucuri rahmat...Al-Fatihah.
Stayed for a night at Embah's (kampung on mom side) since jenazah dikebumikan on Friday morning. Alhamdulillah...semuanya selesai dgn selamat.
Since it's durian season right now, after everyone got back from kubur, it's time to 'balun' the king of fruits. I didn't eat though coz wasn't really in the mood and tgh pening2. So I just sat there, menyebok and took pictures hehe.
Fresh from the oven
Pojie bertungkus lumus mengopek the durian
To Iwan in OZ, if you're reading this, jangan jealous!
Balik kampung byk durian wooo! Hehehe.
Balik kampung byk durian wooo! Hehehe.
abg shah kopek durian nampak lawak gila. haha! simpan durian oi. buat tempoyak. nanti ewan balik mesti ada. hehehe
Abang Shah tak cukup pro kopek durian. Makan jek tau hahaha!
And oits, mane boleh tahan tempoyak sampai hujung tahun. Eeeee dah basi gile by that time hehe!
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