Had a girls' night out last Sunday as sort of the Bachelorette Party for dear Eejay who's getting married next January. Nothing fancy schmancy sgt (unlike Nedd's Hen Night which we heard, Alep got a "dancer" to strip down to his spandex for Nedd hahaha kinky bebeh!), just had dinner with the girls at Pavilion and later a sleepover at Eejay's lovely home. The dinner was at a fine-dining Korean BBQ restaurant and I had no idea what were the names of the food we ate, all I know is, I had an ox tongue for the first time that night - sounds yuck but it taste like thin-sliced meat je actually.
It's been a while since we girls hung out together, so it was fun - laughing soo hard to our obscene jokes, Idd's accidental X-rated act (HILARIOUS I tell ya!) and 'aaawwww'ing to Eejay+Rudy's love stories. We were soo loud that the waiter had to close the door to our dining area. Well, biaselaa...when us girls got together, total havoc maaannn hihi. Even met Kerk who I haven't seen since we graduated!

Since SRB and I had our 'Moving Day' earlier during the day, my body started to give up on me by the time we finished dinner. So decided to join Pitis to catch a movie - The Spirit (if you're not into comics, not recommended. Agak sucks jugaklah) while some of us went to melalak at Red Box.
We reached Eejay's place in Bandar Utama at around 2 AM, ate some yummy chocolate cake baked by my sis-in-law, and later borak2 till 4.30 AM before finally dozing off.
The next morning, went for another makan2 and borak2 session at a mamak restaurant in TTDI. Balik rumah Eejay, makan chocolate cake lagi and gossip some more hehe before we finally went our separate ways.
I had a great time girls and we should do it again babes!