Thursday, September 30, 2010
Coming Home
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Travels of Ibn Battuta

Now, how do we honor a great explorer and inspiring scholar like Ibn Battuta? Here in Dubai, they built a shopping mall, no, make it the world's largest themed shopping mall, called Ibn Battuta Mall that is uniquely designed to celebrate his travels. I think it's an awesome idea - you can learn about some of the countries visited by Ibn Battuta while browsing for new clothes, shoes or handbags.
The way they designed each wing to portray the country is really amazing that you'd feel like you're actually there, travelling together with Mr. Battuta. Plus you get to give a cool answer when people call you in the mall, like; "Where are you right now?" "Oh, I'm just cruising around Andalusia." Or "I'm now walking through the streets of Tunisia." Macam gempak lah konon kan hahah!

Since this place is like a museum in a mall, it is perfect for a couple like us who have different interests; he likes to learn about the history and origin of things, while she likes to do what every other woman likes to do - shopping. So while he entertains himself with some fun facts about how ancient people in Egypt observed the motion of stars, she shops for souvenirs and other things she doesn't really need. And then later, he provides her with a summary of all the new things he learned. It's a win-win-win situation. And it's among the reasons why this is my favorite mall here so far =)

Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Favourite Things
Favorite past time at the moment - sitting by the bench, watching the musical fountain show.

Favorite possession at the moment - THANKYOUSOMUCHDEARILOVEIT!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Burj Al Arab

If you are a guest there, you'll have a helicopter waiting for you at the airport to bring you straight to the hotel, you'll also get a private chauffeur to drive you around in a Rolls Royce, furniture made from 22 carat gold and if you're not afraid of heights, you can play tennis on the helipad (Andre Agassi once had a tennis game with Roger Federer there). I'm guessing since takde net surrounding it, bola memang jatuh kat dalam lautlaa jawabnye hehe.

People also say that celebrities appear there on a daily basis, so if I'm ever gonna be a professional stalker, Burj Al Arab should be the place to start =p

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Souk Madinat Jumeirah
Malas nak citer banyak, plus otak pun dah lembap due to high level of 'couch potato'-ness recently, nak construct a full sentence pun took a lot of effort hehe, so I'll just let the pictures do the talking now...
Souk's indoor

Souk's outdoor

Gotta come here again and experience the night life plak nanti. The restaurant by the river looks too romantic to resist hehe~
P/S: Cik Kirah, aku tak naik sampan to tour around this place tadi sebab nak naik dengan kau nanti tau!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Day at the Beach
More pics can be seen here
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Raya di Perantauan
Aaanyway, back to the Raya story. On Raya eve, I prepared the customary raya meal - nasi impit segera, kuah lodeh (believe it or not, it was my first time making it myself. Usually back home, saye memang tidak terlibat in the preparation of raya food, saye makan sahaje =p), kuah kacang (thanks to mom's frozen kuah kacang mix - tinggal tambah air je beb hehe. Buat from scratch, gue belum sempat belajar lagi hahaha!), sambal ikan bilis, lemang segera and ready-made serunding daging.
Around 8-ish in the evening, we went back to the hotel, happy, full and ready for some webcam sessions with family di kampung halaman. And that's how we spent our first day of Aidilfitri in Dubai. I must say that we had an awesome time, surrounded by great food, great people and interesting conversations. Of course, it's not quite the same as having your family around, but it was nice getting to know new people here, especially fellow Malaysians as well.