So peeps, there's been a change of plan.
Instead of working with PwC for a couple more months after dear husband left, I only survived a couple of days before deciding, "That's it man. I'm not gonna spend my days here alone when I have a husband waiting for me in Dubai." So last Monday, 23rd August 2010, I submitted my resignation letter.
Turned out, I literally can't live without having someone to share my joy/excitement or food with, and someone to listen to me bitch about insignificant things like the slower-than-a-turtle car on the right lane, the long queue at the Touch 'N Go toll booth, the annoying advertisement on the radio, etc. And no, virtual communications (Gtalk, Skype, etc) don't count coz you and I both know, it's just not the same.
There I said it, I SUCK at being alone.
Yes, it hasn't been that long since I started working with the company and now I'm already leaving. But what to do, the heart wants what the heart wants. Or as a dear friend told me, I am just 'prioritizing' hehe. So I'm now serving my 2-week notice and my last working day with PwC after deducting my leave would be on next Wednesday, 1st Sept 2010 yeehaa! That means, 2010 is not only the year that I actually resigned from a job for the first time, it is also the year that I resigned TWICE (but each time with very different reasons laa kan). Funny how life turns out sometimes huh?
Plus, we felt that it's better to just leave, get settled and start our new life there as soon as possible so we can plan the next move and begin our new adventure chewahhh. I have yet to decide what I'm gonna do next; a beach bum, professional stalker, a desperate housewife, 'domestic' financial manager - there are a lot to choose from hahah! But as what they taught you in rehab or AA meetings (not that I've been to any one of them. I am no Lindsay Lohan dude =p) - let's just take one thing at a time, shall we?
So up next is my 3-week-plus trip to Dubai to nail down that whole apartment-hunting business, to conduct some price survey so we can decide on stuff that should be bought and shipped from Malaysia and stuff that can be bought locally, and since I'm there, perhaps do a little sight-seeing, try to get used to the weather, then I'll come back to tanahair tercinta to manage our shipment and maybe around mid-Oct I'll be ready to move there for good, Insya Allah.
I'm leaving for my Dubai trip on 6th Sept (I am soo exciteddd, I have already started packing hoyeahh!) and will return on 1st Oct. And yup, we're gonna be celebrating Raya di perantauan yet again this time. But at this point, I don't even care if we're just gonna spend the first or second day of Aidilfitri hanging out in the hotel room, eating nasi impit segera, watching TV or How I Met Your Mother episodes on the laptop, y'know nothing fancy and elaborate like back home, as long as we're doing it together. Barf all you want, but that's just how I feel at this very moment, given the situation.

So I come bebehhh!!! Can't wait to see you dear =)
Instead of working with PwC for a couple more months after dear husband left, I only survived a couple of days before deciding, "That's it man. I'm not gonna spend my days here alone when I have a husband waiting for me in Dubai." So last Monday, 23rd August 2010, I submitted my resignation letter.
Turned out, I literally can't live without having someone to share my joy/excitement or food with, and someone to listen to me bitch about insignificant things like the slower-than-a-turtle car on the right lane, the long queue at the Touch 'N Go toll booth, the annoying advertisement on the radio, etc. And no, virtual communications (Gtalk, Skype, etc) don't count coz you and I both know, it's just not the same.
There I said it, I SUCK at being alone.
Yes, it hasn't been that long since I started working with the company and now I'm already leaving. But what to do, the heart wants what the heart wants. Or as a dear friend told me, I am just 'prioritizing' hehe. So I'm now serving my 2-week notice and my last working day with PwC after deducting my leave would be on next Wednesday, 1st Sept 2010 yeehaa! That means, 2010 is not only the year that I actually resigned from a job for the first time, it is also the year that I resigned TWICE (but each time with very different reasons laa kan). Funny how life turns out sometimes huh?
Plus, we felt that it's better to just leave, get settled and start our new life there as soon as possible so we can plan the next move and begin our new adventure chewahhh. I have yet to decide what I'm gonna do next; a beach bum, professional stalker, a desperate housewife, 'domestic' financial manager - there are a lot to choose from hahah! But as what they taught you in rehab or AA meetings (not that I've been to any one of them. I am no Lindsay Lohan dude =p) - let's just take one thing at a time, shall we?
So up next is my 3-week-plus trip to Dubai to nail down that whole apartment-hunting business, to conduct some price survey so we can decide on stuff that should be bought and shipped from Malaysia and stuff that can be bought locally, and since I'm there, perhaps do a little sight-seeing, try to get used to the weather, then I'll come back to tanahair tercinta to manage our shipment and maybe around mid-Oct I'll be ready to move there for good, Insya Allah.
I'm leaving for my Dubai trip on 6th Sept (I am soo exciteddd, I have already started packing hoyeahh!) and will return on 1st Oct. And yup, we're gonna be celebrating Raya di perantauan yet again this time. But at this point, I don't even care if we're just gonna spend the first or second day of Aidilfitri hanging out in the hotel room, eating nasi impit segera, watching TV or How I Met Your Mother episodes on the laptop, y'know nothing fancy and elaborate like back home, as long as we're doing it together. Barf all you want, but that's just how I feel at this very moment, given the situation.

So I come bebehhh!!! Can't wait to see you dear =)