After our shopping trips to IKEA and Mid Valley Megamall today, dear SRB suddenly requested Spaghetti Aglio Olio for dinner. So okaylah, we straightaway bought the ingredients required then headed home. On the way home, got an sms from lil brother saying "Mama masak. Datang rumah makan." (Fyi, this happens a lot. Most of the time, we feel too guilty to refuse. Hence the increased weight lah kan =P). So we had an early dinner at mom's place instead.
What happened to the Olio plan? Since we already bought all the stuff, I decided to still proceed with the cooking. But instead of having it for dinner, I planned to pack the Spaghetti Olio into 2 separate tupperwares, put them in the fridge and voilà~ our bekal for breakfast/lunch to work tomorrow siap! Omg the last time I did this was masa mula2 kawin je dulu hahah!
Nak dijadikan cerita, while I was sautéing the garlic in olive oil, time tu laaa gas habis pulak dahhh - the same tong gas which has served us for close to 2 years (so korang kira sendiri laa how "often" it's being used in our dapur hahahah!). Called mom asking for the gas delivery guy's number but she said he only delivers during the day aisehhh. Asked her if there's any kedai runcit nearby that sells gas, no, none that she's aware of. Also asked if she has extra tong gas, she discovered nope takde, coz the one in the store was the empty one aduhhh.
So last resort lah nampaknye - tapau'ed all ingredients, walked for about 3 minutes and continued cooking at mom's house hehehe. All problems solved and tomorrow's breakfast/lunch is ready for serving =)

And THAT my friends, is one of the many many advantages of living just a stone's throw away from your beloved parents muahahaha~