I have been having rashes at some parts of my body (Thank God my face is not affected!) on-off for almost about a year now. Couldn't remember when it actually started but I think it got more noticeable after we moved into our USJ home. Is it the air in USJ? Don't think so. I sort of grew up here (minus time spent in boarding school and in college far far away) and I was fine then.
I've never had any allergic reaction to seafood before. I love seafood, have been eating them since like forever. So I just couldn't accept it when the doctor mentioned that I might have an allergy to seafood and have to stop eating them. But okay finee, nak baik punya pasal, I did as what the doc told me. From that point onwards, I would always reluctantly handover all my udangs and sotongs in my tomyam, pad thai or whatever to dear SRB for him to consume right in front of me huuuu =(.
But after few months of seafood-celibacy, I still keep on having occasional rashes/allergies. Some docs told me that I might be allergic to dust - Ok, I admit, I did use this reason to escape from doing house chores for a while hahah! But come on, I've never had this kind of bimbo-ish allergy before, so this is crap, doc! Allergic to certain type of clothing - if only I have loads of money to renew my entire wardrobe. Sadly, I don't so there's nothing I can do about this kind of allergy. Allergic to certain type of soap - I switched to Johnson and Johnson's body and facial wash ever since this diagnose. Allergic to chicken - whaat? If tak makan ayam, aku nak makan ape? Last but not least, rashes triggered by stress. Now this, I just couldn't agree more. Have you been in any kind of stress lately? At work, perhaps? Oh yesss doctor, yessss!!!
During my most recent trip to the doctor, he advised me to go on a vegetarian diet for a week, just to try and see whether I have indeed been consuming the kind of food that possibly caused the allergy. He also told me to start taking cod liver oil and oranges in the morning to increase my immune system, in order to prevent my body from developing more and more allergies.
So I did as per the advice no. 2 - took Seven Seas pure cod liver oil, the liquid version coz I am just hopeless when it comes to swallowing pills/tablets. I nearly choked myself to death when a friend once taught me how to telan panadol by minum air sahaja. I just couldn't do it, I couldn't bring myself to swallow things that tasted like crap. So alternatively, I would eat something like roti or pisang, kunyah sampai hancur and masukkan the pill into my mouth right before I was about to telan the food. Or pecahkan the pills to small pieces, small enough that I won't even taste it in my mouth, then minum air. Pathetic I know, but this is how I am built y'all, what to do =p..
Okay, back to the cod liver oil story. It's just utterly, outrageously DISGUSTING!!! The first time I took it, I ate like 8 biji Sour Mentos straight after that to stop me from puking my guts out and to lose the 'hanyir'ness from my throat. Masa tu memang dah muntah angin dah. Omg torture I tell you, pure TORTURE!!! The second time, I finished up the whole 0.5 litre of bottled mineral water in maybe 2,3 big gulps. And yet I could still taste the hanyir tu everytime I burp, eewwww nak muntah, serious! Why do people invent this kind of horrible ubat anyway? Memang kejam! Tomorrow, I'll make sure that I buy enough orange juice that can last for weeks so I can take the disgusting cod liver oil with it. If not, rashes schmashes, I am not going near that nasty thing again mannn, no wayyy!

As for doc's no.1 prescription, well...I am proud to say that I have been a vegetarian (eggs are no-no as well) for the past 3 days. It's not as easy as I thought, but the family was supportive so it helps. After all, the parents' house is basically our source of food. Mostly laa not entirely hehe. Mom cooked potato, tofu and su'un soup just for me yesterday - aiseh ni sama mcm makanan Khayra je hehe. Do I have to eat this for many days to come? Ngaaaa! But who knows, if the rashes totally disappear, I might continue to be a vegetarian. If I'm strong enough to resist ayam penyet or nasi ayam or ikan pari bakar or huwarrgghhh! Ok, one step at a time.
So to keep me motivated and also as a self-reminder, I plan to write down everything I eat here in this space, hoping that I'll be self-conscious enough not to indulge myself in fattening stuff coz I know I'll have to publish it later. I might have some days when I won't give a f**k of what people think and just eat whatever I want. But I'm sure there will also be days that I'll be embarassed if people think of me as a fat cow who has no self-control. So we'll see. If this doesn't work, well sue me! =p
Wednesday 24/03 (first day of officially being a vegetarian):
Breakfast - half mee hoon, half kuey teow (carefully removed any trace of fishball, udang & telur)
Lunch - caesar salad, mashed potato
Dinner - a bit of rice, with kuah lemak tauhu and sayur hijau (tak tau ape nama sayur tu hehe)
Thursday 25/03 (took day off from work):
On an empty stomach - a tablespoon of cod liver oil, torture!
Breakfast - a bit of home-made nasi lemak with sambal sahaja (removed the ikan bilis)
Lunch - a bit of rice with tofu, potato and su'un soup
Dinner - a bit of rice with tofu, potato and su'un soup
Friday 26/03:
On an empty stomach - a tablespoon of cod liver oil, war-crime!
Breakfast - half kuey teow, half mee goreng (carefully removed any trace of fishball, udang & telur)
Lunch - mushroom soup, salad, baked pasta (removed the salmon), bread pudding
Dinner - chicken soup (ok sedikit fail di sini but I didn't eat the bits of chicken in it hehe) and a bit of mom's home-made pasta (minced meat tolak tepi)
Wish me luck!