On Sunday, mom hosted yet another makan2 as majlis doa selamat for mom & dad upcoming Umrah trip. Mom invited her marhaban group for Yasin sekali. Seriously kelakar dengar makcik2 ni discuss about their next high-tea event masa tengah makan - memang macam ahli mesyuarat tingkap campur rombongan Cik Kiah ke Sukan Komanwel kehkehkeh! Imagine you and your girlfriends, excitedly discussing your next trip "Eh jom kita pegi xxxx hujung bulan ni nak? Jomlaa jomlaa!" but the old ladies version of it hahaks! Which makes we wonder, who's gonna be my ahli mesyuarat tingkap to discuss high-tea events when I grow old nanti? Borang keahlian bolehlah diisi dari sekarang yee =p

Since everything was home-made and self-catered, agak penat hangkut meja, kerusi, pinggan, mangkuk, periuk, kuali, carpet, etc out of the store early in the morning, and back into the store again at the end of majlis in the evening. Menu of the day included nasi dagang, soto, roti jala, as well as delicious traditional doughnut (Fat? What fat? Living in denial is much more awesome peeps hehe) and mom's finger-licking-good choc cake. The preparation was tedious and tiring, but it's more fun that way I think, the semangat togetherness and gotong-royong to pull everything off bersama2, chewahhhhh~
The highlight of the event was not the marhaban itself but the spotlight was more on little miss Khayra who jeng jeng jeng...made her first more-than-one-step crab walk!!! It just happened out of the blue while the rest of us tengah selawat2 and baca doa after Yasin. It was soo hard for me to contain my excitement and to supress my laughs while doa was being loudly recited sampai dah rasa nak tertonggeng2 ok!
She was like someone high on sugar-rush or laughing gas, the harder she fell, the harder she baby-laughed. Memang lawak giler. Agak attention-seeker jugaklah makcik sorang ni ek coz selama ni macam malas nak belajar jalan, even after our endless "Khayra uppp, uppp" encouragement. But when half of the neighborhood was around to watch her, she cutely premiered her baby-walk, while giggling and tumbling all over the place.
Since everything was home-made and self-catered, agak penat hangkut meja, kerusi, pinggan, mangkuk, periuk, kuali, carpet, etc out of the store early in the morning, and back into the store again at the end of majlis in the evening. Menu of the day included nasi dagang, soto, roti jala, as well as delicious traditional doughnut (Fat? What fat? Living in denial is much more awesome peeps hehe) and mom's finger-licking-good choc cake. The preparation was tedious and tiring, but it's more fun that way I think, the semangat togetherness and gotong-royong to pull everything off bersama2, chewahhhhh~
The highlight of the event was not the marhaban itself but the spotlight was more on little miss Khayra who jeng jeng jeng...made her first more-than-one-step crab walk!!! It just happened out of the blue while the rest of us tengah selawat2 and baca doa after Yasin. It was soo hard for me to contain my excitement and to supress my laughs while doa was being loudly recited sampai dah rasa nak tertonggeng2 ok!
She was like someone high on sugar-rush or laughing gas, the harder she fell, the harder she baby-laughed. Memang lawak giler. Agak attention-seeker jugaklah makcik sorang ni ek coz selama ni macam malas nak belajar jalan, even after our endless "Khayra uppp, uppp" encouragement. But when half of the neighborhood was around to watch her, she cutely premiered her baby-walk, while giggling and tumbling all over the place.