I'm not really sure how to write about the trips I had with the girls around Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Oman since there's just too much to tell and some funny stories, you just had to be there to understand why they're funny. But since I've promised some friends and I'm now in the mood to show some pictures anyway, here it goes...
On the day the girls arrived, I invited some friends who have been living here much longer than we have for dinner at our place, just so everybody could get to know everybody and also for me to get some advice from them on interesting places to go in Dubai. It was the first time we had people over for makan2 since we moved into this new house.

It was also the first time we had people sleeping over at our house. (Fatma, my guest bedroom is waiting for you now =p).
One of the girls took the midnight plane from M'sia which arrived in Dubai at 3am. We overslept and only woke up at 3.30am wooopss!, rushed to the airport to pick her up and was worried when we couldn't see her at the arrival gate. Rupanya our unfortunate friend was being interrogated by some immigration officers in a small room, like seriously, ala 'The Terminal' movie (I'm from Krakozhia!!! =p). Thank God it all turned out okay in the end, they bosan takde bende nak buat at 3-4am in the morning kot, and she was later released.
So the first activity- Desert Safari, a must for everyone who visits UAE. It started with dune bashing - a rough ride up and down the desert's dunes in a 4WD, driven by a professional of course (you need a special license for this), mcm roller-coaster, sangat pening and memang boleh muntah, especially if you sit at the back of the car, which I did. So naturally, I was the loudest screamer during the whole ride (seriously dude, there were many times when I felt like our car was about to flip over okayyy).

Then we're brought to a Bedouin-style camp, where we got to go for a camel ride (again, I was the loudest screamer. What to do, my camel was making this weird, angry noise; it's my reflex bebeh =p), have some henna painting (aahhh...teringat masa zaman kawin dulu), enjoy a delicious barbecue while watching a belly dancing show oolala and end the day with a few puffs of shisha.

It was an exciting experience, especially with the girls around but honestly until today, just thinking about the ride can make me feel carsick all over again. Speaking of carsick, a special thanks to Naza for being our asam supplier for that day. Without it, I think I would've "blessed" the car with my 'projectile' hehe.
I know I have to bring all our visitors to this Desert Safari tour coz I think it's fun and a very middle eastern thing to do. Coz you know, when you think of middle east, you think of deserts, camels and perhaps belly dances too. I just don't know whether I can survive the dizzying dune bashing ride again and again and again without vomitting at some point yeeessshhh~