Was distracted throughout the past Raya Haji weekend that I didn't have time to obsess over chenta hatiku di alam fantasi ini. Malas nak citer banyak, if not sampai esok pun tak habis. So here goes my main points for New Moon:
1. Some might disagree, but from my biased point of view (hehe), I think Taylor Lautner was so good as Jacob Black lalalala. His sad-but-control-macho face when Bella didn't pick him made my heart wept! Fyi Jake, I'd choose you over any vampire in a heartbeat bebehhhh!

2. Sam Uley, the wolf pack's alpha male adalah sangat macho tahap nagaaaa!!! I went crazy over the "Bella, get back!" scene, sambil menggoncang2 kaki jiran sebelah hahah!

3. Edward? Edward who? Mamat yang pucat and kurus kerempeng itukah? I'm sorry but suicidal vampire is just unattractive dude. Ampunnn, Robsessed peeps hihihi~
4. Let's watch it again and again and again! Dear SRB, you can't run away from meeee...I promise I'll TRY to behave =p
4. Let's watch it again and again and again! Dear SRB, you can't run away from meeee...I promise I'll TRY to behave =p