Been occupied with work and a bit busy helping a friend in a crisis that I didn't have time to write about our FRIM trip. And I realized that if you didn't blog about something soon enough, the excitement wore off and it'd be like 'meh...wutever'. But anyhow, since I wanted to remember the experience, decided to write about it instead of just taking a mental note of it.
Me and the office gang went for a little hiking trip at FRIM last Sunday morning. The plan was to hike up some hill and for all the penat lelah, we'd be rewarded with a small waterfall which, as we're told, was big enough for about 10 people to dip in their toes at the same time hahaha. So off we went the 11 of us konvoi beramai2 in 6 cars. Talk about 'environmental unfriendly' hahaks!
A colleague, who already went there a few times before, mentioned that the tracks were gonna be damn easy, just like a walk in the park. Bila turun bukit memanglah a walk in the park, but naik tu...pehh semputlah gak. That's why we stopped to take pictures every 10 minutes or so hehehe.
"Someone" even sampai dah pucat lesi that he had to stop to get some colors back to his ghost-white lips and face. Tulaa lain kali jgn eksyen nak naik laju2 sgt hihi~
When we finally reached the waterfall, as expected, we're like...laaa ni je ke. But thanks to an adventurous friend, we discovered a bigger, more secluded waterfall that we could actually berendam in yeayyy! At first, most of us were a bit hesitant coz didn't expect to actually take a dip, so we didn't bring extra clothing. Tapi lama2 tak tahan, hantam sajalaaaaa woohoooo syok gilaa!

After that, continued our journey back to the car park soaking wet, without a care in the world lalala~
Macam gambar ala2 Survivor tak? =p

Ended the trip with a makan2 session at Nasi Lemak Antarangsa, Taman Melati - what you lost *uhuk lemak uhuk* you get back hehe.
All pictures courtesy of our very talented Mr. Chong and Mr. Sharul =)