This is gonna be a long one. Because I want to able to read this in the future and feel as if I'm really there again, doing all these fun stuff =)
So, next activity after caving was white water rafting at Sg. Kampar. After eating our lunch (lapar giler wehhh after keluar gua!), we're all set for the next adventure chewahhh. Aris, the organizer kept on telling us that we will be transferred to the starting point of rafting (which was 5km from the cave) via a lorry, not a bus, a van or something like that. We didn't believe it until we saw the lori pindah rumah waiting for us at the car park hahaks! Seriously, memang macam lembu beramai2 dlm lori just like the ones you'd usually see in the highway lawak gila! But because most of us jakun naik lori camni, memang rasa best giler kehkehkeh~

Sampai on the starting point, we all got suited up with life jackets and helmets. At this time nampak sungai je memang dah tak sabar nak terjun dah hehe.
The first thing we had to do was body rafting. This is when they will just lepaskan you dalam air, facing up, and you just have to paddle yourself in the water using your arms and legs. This is actually to familiarize yourself with the water condition and as an overview of how it'd be like bila raft terbalik nanti jeng jeng jeng. But no worries, the guide will throw you a rope for you to hold on to and pull you up to the riverbank at the end of this activitylah. Takdelah dia biar jek kita terlepas sampai KL gile ke haha!
See, this was not the first time I did this. The first time was during my sort of "Bachelorette Party" me and the girls had in KK and we did white water rafting at Kiulu River. Memang we had a whole lot of fun there and masa body rafting kat situ, the rapid was not so roughlaa so we just let the riverflow moved us while we could lalala happily enjoy the beautiful scenery.
So I wasn't really nervous this time around, although I realized that the rapid was a bit rough jugaklah for body rafting. Punyelaa excited cheer for everybody else who went before me and even 'woohooo' my heart out during my turn - chewahh berlagak giler aa kan haha! Sekali tu, bila sampai je on the rapid yg agak ganas - blu%^*&$#@%^&*$#assshhggrhh!! Air masok hidung, mulut, telinga, anak tekak, paru2 and all mannn arrrkkkkk!!!
I couldn't even see a damn thing, apetah lagi nak enjoy the viewlah kan. Siap bontot terlanggar batu adalah, blardy hell! By the time I felt the rope pulling me out of the water, memang I couldn't really breathe and was choking my guts out and start menyumpah seranah dah hahah buduh giler! Tulaaa Rina, lenkali jangan berlagak okkk kehkehkeh. Now I know how it feels to get drowned man, Na'uzubillah. But all of us survived, so rock on bebeh fuhhh~

After the traumatizing experience (tapi everybody memang buat2 cool and tahan macho laa hihi), barulaaa one of the guides gave us the the safety briefing. How to hold the paddle, how to pull up your friend yg jatuh dlm air back into the raft, what to do if the raft capsize, etc.

All 15 of us were divided into 3 groups, 3 separate rafts, with at least 1 guide in each raft. There were 10 rapids we had to go through and do I even begin to explain the experience. Even some of the rapid names pon dah freaked us out - Paddle Breaker Rapid, Double Dekker, What Happened (so what actually happened? Raft capsized aaa dohhh haha!), Kiss Rapid (bukan org kiss sesama sendiri ok, this is batu besar2 kissing the raft ngaaaaa), etc.
When our raft went through the Paddle Breaker, memang satu paddle bengkok and satu lagi patah. Masa Double Dekker, dearest SRB got thrown out of the raft huwaarrgghh! It happened so fast, I didn't even realized when it happened coz I was probably busy screaming my lungs out that time hehe. Tiba2 jek, aikkk mana husband aku kat depan ni? Arrrkkkk Juzzz (our guide), ade org terjatuh dalam sungai toloonnggg!
And then I thought, "Shitsss, he's gonna kill me for dragging him along to this thing uh oh!" haha! But luckily, he thought it was one heck of a GREAT experience and just couldn't wait to do it again huhu~

Our boat didn't actually capsize where we were supposed to (at the What Happened Rapid), another boat did. But the whole adventure wouldn't be complete without capsizing, so at one point tu our guide instructed all of us to sit on one side of the boat purposely so that berat sebelah and eventually terbaliklah kan. So yeah, another air masok hidung, telinga, tekak, paru2 experience there. I was just glad that we got over the capsize part hehe.
At the Kiss Rapid, while the boat gedebung gedebang berlanggar dengan batu2, sekali gedebuk! My front teeth tercium siku SRB aaaaaaa sakittt cam siottt! It felt like my two front teeth cracked and fell off coz the pain was excruciating! But Alhamdulillah, since teeth are the strongest bones in a human body, my teeth were still at the right place but still sakit berdenyut gak for few hours later.
Besides minimal bruises here and there, I didn't really suffer any other kind of visible injuries. Unlike a friend, who fell off the boat like 3,4 times. Probably because she's soo kurus and ringan. Oh how I'm grateful that I'm fat and heavy now hahaha!
One of her falls - jatuh backward summersault into the water tu! Tak tipu, I kinda saw that she's actually gonna fall off based on the weird angle of her boat but didn't think that it's gonna be a full backward summerfault. Very the tragisss! And the results:

A swollen shoulder (which kinda looked like a dislocated shoulder iskkk) and a swollen cheekbone aduusssss! But she was still in good spirit even when she's in pain, so BRAVO Amilia! We're so proud of you gal!
We also stopped for few swimming sessions along the journey. Best giler mandi sungaiiii! Seeing all these pics just makes me wanna go there again aaa~

And finally, just when we couldn't paddle anymore and suara pun dah hilang due to all the screaming and laughing, we got to the end point of our rafting adventure fuuuhhh...

When we reached home around 9.30PM that night, I just dropped everything and straightaway went to bed and teros pengsan. The next day woke up feeling sore all over my body sampai I asked dear husband, eh babe I ni kena demam Chikukunya ke? Sakit seluruh sendi siottt haha!
All in all, it was a SUPER AWESOME experience. Up next, shall we conquer Kuala Kubu Bharu pulak? LET'SSSSS!
More pictures can be viewed here.