One of the PMs in my dept had decided to leave the company after 5+ years of service (in this company, 5+ years = forever haha) and yesterday was his last day in this "awesome" building hehe. He's the one responsible for making us work on weekend nights, messing up our sleep routines and turning us into a bunch of crazy, bubbling zombies. Just kidding...he's one of the good people to leave so it's considered a casualty jugaklah to us =(

As usual, we all kumpul duit to buy those resigning a gift - which selalunya will be a set of Parker or Sheaffer pen with their names engraved on it. Okay aa tu kan. Come to think of it, since they got better offer out there, they are the ones who should give us a treat man hehe! Ok ok, he did belanja us lunch yesterday, so it's all good kehkehkeh~

So to Mr. A, selamba ditch kitorang to kerja malam2 sendiri cisssss! All the best dude~
My zombie buddies
As usual, we all kumpul duit to buy those resigning a gift - which selalunya will be a set of Parker or Sheaffer pen with their names engraved on it. Okay aa tu kan. Come to think of it, since they got better offer out there, they are the ones who should give us a treat man hehe! Ok ok, he did belanja us lunch yesterday, so it's all good kehkehkeh~

So to Mr. A, selamba ditch kitorang to kerja malam2 sendiri cisssss! All the best dude~