Watched an old episode of Grey's Anatomy S4 recently and ohh, how I love Callie in that "The Heart of the Matter" episode.
Izzie: Callie, I'm sorry...about the cafeteria.
I didn't know that you wanted to talk to me.
I thought you wanted to kill me.
I'm sorry about everything.
With George, I'm really sorry. I feel terrible.
Callie: You feel terrible? You took advantage.
He was your best friend. I tried to trust you.
And then you pull that thing in the cafeteria today?
It's not bad enough that you humiliate me
by getting in bed with my husband.
You have to humiliate me at work, too.
George might be the one who broke his vows,
but you...we're women, Izzie.
You did this to another woman. You...took something from me.
You stole something from me like a petty little thief.
You are the one who should be humiliated.
You are the one who should be ashamed.
So don't you dare come to me for forgiveness, you traitorous bitch!
Pergghhh...YOU GO GIRL!! This is definitely my 2nd favourite scene throughout the whole GA series. 1st is of course Christina Yang's "I'm fine, I'm fine" nervous breakdown scene after her miscarriage in S2 - the one where she couldn't stop crying hysterically and was later 'ssshhhh'ed by Burke. Omg LOVE it!
But now, I don't even bother to watch GA S5 coz Mer&Der is like wuteverrr AND they turned Callie into a lesbian? Oh come on...such a cliche! But as Robert Downey Jr. said, everybody's gay once in a while in Hollywood hahaha so true!
With all the relationship dramas I witness around me currently - among friends, colleagues and even the Abby+Norman Hakim case (ohoo don't lemme get started on that!), this particular scene really knocked some sense into me. So to all women out there, don't be a thief! Whatever fishy business you're doing with somebody else's boyfriends/ husbands right now, please know that you're also hurting/betraying the other woman - who has feelings just like your-selfish-self. And if you don't care about that, well...that just goes to show that you are indeed a traitorous B*#%CH after all eh?
Goshh, all of this makes me feel like....babe, I'm just glad I found you wakakaka selingan jiwang sket!