Last night, went to dinner at Italiannies, The Curve and later were hooked to the Merdeka concert they're having in front of IKEA. Didn't plan to stay there for long pon actually coz one of the bands performing (a non-famous rock band who always performs in pubs or hotels jek I think) was so awful & bingit, until we saw jeng jeng man Ferhad escorted by police to backstage huyeahhh! I LOVE live performance from Ferhad, he's very audience-friendly & lovable. And his music is catchy and makes you just wanna moooovee hehe. I was really looking forward to his 'Kasih Berubah' (I mean come on, he MUST sing that song ok), but we decided to head back earlier to avoid the traffic jam. But Ferhad, great show dude!
This morning, was awaken by the sound of either some plane or helicopter flying really low, I dunno, but it was loud! Then baru teringat, oh today is Merdeka Day - Happy Independence Day everyone! So it must be the jet pejuang from the show they're having at Dataran Merdeka. Last year, we sempat tengok the air show from our very own balcony hehe. But this year, just sempat tengok all the kereta kebal on their way home jek from the balcony.

And oh, it's been a long time since I watched the Puasa announcement on TV, you know, the "saya, bagi pihak penyimpan mohor-mohor besar" thingy tu (I wonder if the same pakcik is doing it). But ermm...confirm esok puasa kan?

And oh, it's been a long time since I watched the Puasa announcement on TV, you know, the "saya, bagi pihak penyimpan mohor-mohor besar" thingy tu (I wonder if the same pakcik is doing it). But ermm...confirm esok puasa kan?
Selamat berpuasa peeps and be good this Ramadhan =p